Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Zinnia Jones Is a Hateful Hypocrite!

Zinnia Jones, the popular transvestite Youtube vlogger that calls herself "The Queen of Atheism" is as hateful, bigoted and hypocritical as any individual, religious or otherwise, I think I've ever seen on the internet outside of Pat Condell, whose videos are so vitriolic against religion that not even Atheists take him serious. Anyway, Zinnia has gained widespread popularity on Youtube for promoting Atheism, gay-rights and other liberal values. She has a number of anti-Christian videos on her page. They are, for the most part, hateful and bitter diatribes against Christianity and Christians in general. She also has a number of videos where she strongly encourages tolerance and equal rights toward homosexuals. She is strongly against the bullying of gay people, as am I. 

She is also strongly opposed to criticism against homosexual lifestyle, to the point that she believes that anyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle and criticizes it in public is immoral, a homophobe, and intolerant. Recently, Zinnia Jones went as far as to praise Cisco Communications for firing Christian apologist Dr. Frank Turek for writing a book that criticizes same-sex marriages. 

It is obvious that Zinnia supports the firing of Dr. Turek for writing his book. Zinnia also mentions Dr. Turek's views on DADT as part of the reason he was fired from Cisco and not just him writing the book. While I'm aware of Dr. Turek's views on DADT, as well as him supposedly comparing gay people to pedophiles, these specific views had nothing to do with him being fired from his job.

Dr. Turek was fired solely for a complaint that was filed by an employee that  had never even read his book! The employee literally did a Google search on Dr. Turek and saw that he had written a book opposing same-sex marriages, called Human Resources and had him fired from his job literally the same day. There are no reports that Cisco fired Dr. Turek on the grounds of any specific opinions expressed in the book itself or anywhere else for that matter, simply that he wrote a book opposing same-sex marriages and that was enough to get him fired. Listen to Dr. Turek's side of the story below.

I totally understand it if somebody doesn't agree with Dr. Turek on the idea that same-sex marriages are harmful to society. However, Zinnia has no room to praise the firing of a person for publicly criticizing a lifestyle when she does so herself every week in her blogs and on Youtube! 

Zinnia makes it crystal clear that the Christian lifestyle is harmful to society and is better off done away with, yet when Frank Turek says the exact same thing about the homosexual lifestyle, in a book he wrote that happened to have been found by someone Googling him, it's "hate speech" and grounds for firing from his job. It seems to me that Zinnia and many Youtube Atheists like her are quite good at dishing it out but do not seem to do so well at taking it. I wonder how Zinnia would feel if she were fired from her job for stating that Christians support genocide, or that conservative Christianity should be outlawed. Now, I'm gonna give Zinnia the benefit of the doubt and say that she wasn't being totally serious in that video about outlawing conservative Christianity, but it doesn't matter. She said it and that's all that counts. For instance, I don't think a lot of people are serious when they call something they don't like "gay", but I'm quite sure that Zinnia doesn't like it when they do. To Zinnia, it's OK to make snide and hurtful jokes about Christians but it isn't OK to do the same toward LGBT's because she herself is a member of the LGBT community. This is absolute hypocrisy in the highest form. 

In her latest video, Zinnia points out the wrongheadedness of the One Million Moms campaign to have Ellen Degeneres fired as a spokesperson for JCPenney because of her homosexuality. Zinnia rightfully states that Ellen should not be denied the position of being JCPenney's spokesperson for simply being gay. 

While I agree with a lot of what Zinnia says in this video, I find it woefully hypocritical coming from her.

Here she is, condemning the One Million Moms for trying to get Ellen Degeneres fired from JCPenney for her homosexual behavior, when less than a few months ago she was praising the same thing being done toward someone for his Christian behavior of speaking out against same-sex marriages. Ladies and gentlemen, if this is not a perfect example of someone talking out of both sides of their mouth, I don't know what is. Zinnia Jones's own words condemn herself! Her hatred toward conservative Christians is obviously nothing more than angry projection. In reality, she's every bit as hateful and bigoted as the religious fundamentalists in which she criticizes.

Here's the deal, Zinnia...

Bible believing Christians are not going to accept the homosexual lifestyle, just like people such as yourself don't support the Christian lifestyle. Therefore, we're just going to have to agree to disagree, treat each other with respect and acknowledge the fact that we are all citizens of a society where differences of opinion are going to exist. Don't get mad at Christians for preaching against your lifestyle when you're busy preaching against theirs! I totally agree with you that homosexuals should not be treated like second-class citizens and given equal rights, but I totally disagree with you that Christians shouldn't be given the same treatment!

Unlike Frank Turek you haven't lost your job for speaking out against Christianity, so it is easy for you to point and laugh at others whose lifestyles you don't agree with and say they deserve it when such a thing happens to them. Homosexual activity is protected by law and nobody can get fired from their job for being a practicing homosexual. Homosexuals are free to practice their behavior in public. Christians are not always free to publicly speak out against such behavior, however. Atheists are free to speak out against religion. Christians are not always free to even read the Bible in public. It's easy to point fingers at Christians and talk about how immoral we are for speaking out against things you hold dear to you, but just realize that you're doing the exact same thing to us almost every time you upload a video on Youtube.

You've got a ton of hatred in your heart, Zinnia. Just know that I don't dislike you. I feel sorry for you.



  1. "Debating creationists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory."

    -- Scott D. Weitzenhoffer

    1. What does this have to do with Creationism vs. Evolution?

    2. Because it's very similar to debating law and human rights. Christians are always free to read the bible in public, always. No law can be made to take that right away. Separation of Church and State says that you can't use the government to force religion upon people BUT it also means that the government can't take it away. What government CAN do is make sure everyone is treated fairly.

      If anyone needs defending, it's not Turek or any of the people spewing hate for the homosexual people, it's the homosexual people that have to resort to spewing hate back to keep their rights that need the defending.

    3. If anyone deserves hate spewed at them, it's the people spewing hate in the first place.

    4. It's upsetting to see someone, in the same breath, claim they are against the bullying of homosexuals and then defend people like Turek.

      Homosexuality doesn't tell people to discriminate against Christians, but a lot of Christians out there believe that the bible tells them that homosexuals deserve the discrimination set against them.

      It's wrong to fire someone for something they believe, yes, BUT it's completely in the right to fire someone for writing or publicly defaming another group of people.

      It doesn't matter how it happened, but the fact is your contract for for inciting discrimination, in writing of public speech. And that's exactly what he did.

      You can't discriminate against someone and then be upset that you're being discriminated against in retaliation. THAT'S hypocrisy.

    5. First of all, this has nothing to do with how we feel about what Dr. Turek has said or done. I wasn't attacking nor defending Dr. Turek's criticism in the book because I'm not even sure what the ARE.

      What *I* was criticizing was Zinnia Jones applauding the idea of someone being fired from his job for sharing his personal beliefs when SHE does the same thing herself. To Zinnia, it's an injustice to fire somebody for writing their personal beliefs in a book JUST SO LONG AS THEY DON'T DISAGREE WITH HERS. That's complete and blatant hypocrisy.

      MY only thing was that Zinnia Jones does the EXACT SAME THING HERSELF every week on Youtube and in her blogs. I don't care whether or not you believe what Dr. Turek did was hate speech or not because that is NOT the topic of this post. You would quickly see it as an injustice for Zinnia to be fired from her job if she were fired on the grounds of her expressing her personal beliefs about religion outside of work. Why is it OK to fire somebody on the grounds of expressing his personal beliefs on homosexuality then? It is a clear double standard you seem to be OK with this.

    6. You're dismissing my point and then asking the same question my point answered.

      Clearly it DOES matter what his beliefs are, they were in breach of his contract.

  2. First off Gay is not a lifestyle or a choice, religion (Christian or otherwise) is a choice, thus rendering your entire argument moot.

    I have no problem with anyone choosing to be religious, but Turek also chose to be a hateful bastard toward people who could no more help who they love than they could help thier skin color.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I didn't say that being Gay was a lifestyle or choice, I said that HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY is a lifestyle/choice just as a heterosexual lifestyle is a choice. Being straight isn't a choice either, but getting married and having kids IS a choice.

      And this isn't about what you think about Frank Turek as a person, this is solely about him writing a book and getting fired from his job simply because an employee found it for sale online.

      I don't agree with all of Dr. Turek's views either but that's irrelevant to the topic at hand.

    3. Sir, ANY lifestyle is a choice. If it weren't a choice, it wouldn't be called a LIFESTYLE, but rather, an involuntary behavior.

      I don't think anybody FORCED Ellen to marry another woman...she made the CHOICE. Just like nobody forced YOU to date whoever it was you dated, but it was your CHOICE.

    4. Are you inferring that lifestyles can be boiled down like so?

      (Disliking people that like the same gender as themselves) = (Loving the same gender as themselves)

      Or this?

      (Hating the bully for picking on you) = (Hating the weird kid because you think someone said you should)

      And that both are wrong, but hating the bully is more wrong?

    5. You're missing the entire point of this post. This has nothing at all to do with whether or not homosexuality or opposition to homosexuality is right or wrong.

      This is simply about Zinnia's hypocrisy. Zinnia is basically applauding somebody for being fired as a result of sharing his beliefs in a book when she shares her beliefs online every week. That's all I'm saying.

      It DOES NOT MATTER what those beliefs are if Dr. Turek never actually did anything at work that would cause him to get fired from his job.

  3. tl;dr
    Hating people for hating you > Hating people because your religion says they're unnatural, immoral sinners.

    First I want to say that I'm on Zinnia's side about all of this. Homosexuality isn't a choice and the "homosexual lifestyle" is as real as the "heterosexual lifestyle," or the "oxygen-breathing lifestyle." But, like Bubba above me said, you can choose to be religious or not.

    Being gay has no doctrine, being religious almost always does. Condemning a group of people because your doctrine says to is, quite honestly, a bitch thing to do. It's awful.

    But condemning Christians for condemning homosexuals is retaliatory. Retaliatory hatred is still hatred, sure, but if everyone sat there and took condemnation outright, African Americans would still be slaves and U.S. women wouldn't have a vote. That may not be entirely true, but I hope you see my point.
    If you're being bullied, isn't it better to bully them back than to just sit back and take it?

    Turek is choosing to push the discrimination of homosexuals because his doctrine says so. One Million Moms is choosing to push the discrimination of homosexuals because their doctrine says so. They push conjecture and religious writing as evidence to strip the rights of other U.S. citizens.

    I don't know the whole story on Turek, but I know that his job was to talk about equality in the workplace. His views clearly conflicted with his role, and while I can't say that he deserved to be fired for this, I can certainly say that the hatred he received for his views was justifiable.

    1. This post is NOT about whether or not homosexuality or opposition to it is right or wrong. This post is solely about the double-standard of Zinnia Jones in particular.

      Homosexuality is NOT a lifestyle. However, participating in ANY kind of romantic/sexual relationships IS a lifestyle, including homosexual romantic/sexual relationships.

      Christianity isn't a lifestyle, but living the Christian lifestyle IS a lifestyle.

      Zinnia Jones condemns the lifestyle in her blogs and on Youtube and would see it as an injustice if she were to be fired for doing so.

      Frank Turek condemns the lifestyle of homosexual romantic/sexual relations in his book yet Zinnia appluads him getting fired from his job for it.

      That's hypocrisy and that's ALL the above post is about.

    2. Again, you're missing the point of my blocks of texts.

      It's wrong to promote the lessening of rights of others, it's wrong to promote the bullying of a group of people that have done no wrong.

      Zinnia and her condemnation is in retaliation to undue discrimination.

      What you're asking for is for her to turn over and accept the world around her, rather than applaud justice where justice is done.

    3. You're trying to equate actively loving someone of the same gender with active dislike/distaste/discrimination.

      You're saying that defending yourself, love and intellectualism with hateful vitriol is the same thing as attacking someone with hateful vitriol because of who they love.

    4. He didn't get fired for what he believed in, he got fired for what he DID.

    5. I'm aware that he got fired for what he did. Again, you're missing the point. The fact is is that he criticized same-sex marriages in a book that the company that fired him didn't even read.

      Again, there is no proof that Dr. Turek advocated the outlawing of same-sex marriages everywhere. All we know is that he didn't like the institution and criticizes it in his book.

      Zinnia criticizes Christianity on her blogs and in her Youtube videos AND has even gone as far as advocating conservative Christianity's abolishment. Yet you would say that it was wrong for her to get fired for doing such things. You still have failed to address the double-standard that you and I both KNOW is there.

  4. (gay-rights and other liberal values.) <--- those are not liberal values! those are common sense human values... not being a fascist bigot has nothing to do with liberal. I am no liberal & I am not a bigot. And looks like religious fascist have a heard time taking what they dish out. Religion isn't sacred and needs to be criticized. and Dr. Frank Turek did way more than just criticize same-sex marriage in that hate mongering book. He should have been fired. Considering what he was hired to do.

    1. You've created a false dichotomy here. You're saying that a person is either an individual that fully supports the gay lifestyle or a fascist bigot.

      Again, whether or not you feel that Turek DESERVED to get fired is beside the point. When it boils down to it, he was fired for having the wrong OPINION.

      YOU have opinions too and you wouldn't want to get fired from YOUR job for holding them.

    2. If I were to write a book about how green people are inferior to every other type of person and should have different rights, but my job was to teach people that all colors are acceptable, there would be a clear breach of contract.

      You should hope that someone that wants all squares to be a lesser citizen than circles should be fired from the job whose title it is to make sure that all shapes are acceptable.

    3. Again, I don't know what Dr. Turek stated in his book about homosexuals or the homosexual lifestyle and neither do the people that fired him, because as stated earlier, they never actually read the book.

      I think it's unfair to suggest that just because somebody doesn't support same-sex marriages, they believe themselves to be superior to homosexuals and that homosexuals are "second-class citizens". This is making a judgement call that is unfounded.
