Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Definition of Atheism

In order for us to answer Atheism, we have to first know exactly what Atheism is. Now, you may think that this is as simple as going into a dictionary and looking up the word, but it actually isn't that simple. You see, Atheists identify themselves in different ways. Atheism, in it's simplest form, is the absence of belief in a god or gods. What this basically means is that anybody who doesn't believe in a god or gods is an Atheist. However, let's take a look at this definition and I think you'll find that it's a little bit too all-inclusive. 

This definition would also include individuals who simply claim to not know whether a god exists or not (Agnostics), people who feel like it can't be known, those who have either have lost, never had, or are incapable of obtaining knowledge about a god (i.e., babies, animals, the mentally ill or the unconscious). It would be rather absurd to call a baby an Atheist. I don't think most Christian parents would appreciate someone calling their baby an Atheist, or their Alzheimer's-inflicted life-long Christian loved one an Atheist because they've now lost concept of a deity. What about a Christian that suffers from a severe case of amnesia and temporarily forgets the concept of everything including God? Does this person become an Atheist during the time that he is suffering from amnesia but then, once he gets his memory back, all of a sudden is a Christian again? I think you can see now why this definition of Atheism isn't good enough for a number of philosophical reasons.

I think it will be fair then to say that Atheism is not simply defined by what a person doesn't believe, but also by why he/she doesn't believe.

Atheism must involve rejection of all claims for the existence of any god or gods. In other words, the person has to have a knowledge of a deity and reject claims for this deity's existence as well as the existence of all other deities he/she is aware of in order to be a proper Atheist. It goes without saying then that in order to be an Atheist, one must have knowledge of at least one god and reject claims in favor of this deity's existence.

I think the best way in having a healthy conversation with an Atheist is to ask them what they do believe and why, specifically about the Christian God. This will help you to gain an understanding of what the Atheist's positive beliefs are and what justifications they have for these beliefs rather than the "burden of proof" just being on you.


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